Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Christian s As A Religion - 880 Words

In addition to Christian’s malleable and easy to join style, alongside the strong devotion set forth by its early followers there is, in my opinion, the last characteristic I feel that contributed greatly to Christian’s grow as a religion is this: leadership. It comes down to one last pivotal characteristic of the Christian religion, its fourth-fathers took the word of Christ and believed it should be taught to all. Unlike other religions the strict ideas of who and what had to be done to be a Christian were not there, it was simple to follow the teachings of Christ, in the way best understood by the interrupter using simple guidelines. The leadership believe in their job of spreading the word, their actions lead to the religion being so open, while also generating the original feelings of total devotion, as most personally met Jesus, which prompted them to fully commit themselves to their goals. It was this structure that carried Christianity forward after Emperor Cons tantine, with the practice of the religion allowed and feelings of disdain towards the more barbaric peoples and ways of life still around Christianity began to flourish. â€Å"We decree also that we shall cease from making sacrifices† (the codex theodosianus), in 438 A.D. failure to follow this would result in such civil liberties being taken away as the ability to right or invoke a will, as well as, being killed by the sword. This increase of power in the church is due to its solid leadership, as talked about inShow MoreRelatedChristianity, A Form Of Religion Based On The Person And Teachings950 Words   |  4 PagesChristianity, is a form of religion based on the person and teachings , or its beliefs and practice s.1 During 205-207B.C, Christianity evolved greatly throughout the world. Many religions detested this and others embraced it. 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